Saturday, March 8, 2008

Shake hands with the devil..

Men cry, but real men are not afraid to let others know when they cry.. Last night, I cried.

I went to Rwanda the end of last August and September. It literally changed my life. Rwanda went through a genocide in 1994. I got back, and immediately bought the book, "Shake hands with the devil." This book was written by the U.N. General stationed in Rwanda during the time, Romeo Dallaire.

I have had the hardest time reading it, because it moves so slow. Well, last night I was channel surfing after the gym, and I came across the documentary of the book. I couldn't move to it quick enough.

Watching what the people of Rwanda went through was heart breaking. The footage didn't show the people being killed, but it did show the machete's being lowered, and the bodies after. It was terrible to see what people do to each other.

So, all this to say that it is going to be on again. On March 20th, at nine thirty, it is going to be one again. I will be watching it. Nine thirty is late for me, but I dont care, I will be watching. Please call me if you want to see this too. It will give you a much larger appreciation of what they went through.

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