Sunday, February 24, 2008

Welcome back to reality

Well, after a long week, I am able to reflect back. I guess the best place to start is at the beginning (of the week at least). So I got back to Fresno from Hawaii about four on monday morning.. I guess taking the 1 through Malibu, Oxnard, and Camarillo is not the quickest way home. In fact, it added about two hours to my time. Once I finally got up on monday morning (late morning), I ended up hanging out with a friend for most of the day. We went to Me'N'Eds, hung out at the park, and went to the batting cages. It was a lot of fun. You dont realize how much you miss someone until you spend some quality time with them.
After some great conversation, I was back home to prepare for tuesday. It was really hard going back to work. With the way that work is structured right now, I have so many responsibilities, and it is hard to keep up with them. But, I really think that it has helped me to start the day off correctly. I have the hardest time reading my Bible in the morning. But what I have started to do is try to get to work early, and get my reading done at work. It helps me focus, and keeps my life in check.
Tuesday night, I went to see definitely maybe. It was a pretty good movie. Of course, it was one of those movies that has a happy ending, where the boy gets the girl that he really wanted all along, but didn't know it. Good thing it was based on reality...
Wednesday night was spent at church getting "trained" to run sound for third service. The choir was there and all that fun stuff. I left there at about eight thirty, and went to dinner with a friend. I dont care what you say, Red Robin is a bad idea at nine at night. It was a night spent with my friend Harry Potter (my throne) that leaked over to the morning. I think I lost my small intestine...
Friday night was spent at Roger Roca's. There I watched 42nd street with a friend, and it was a pretty good play. I have never been there before, but would go again for sure.
Saturday was out at my brothers new office doing some demolition. Of course, there has to be action in everything I do, so when we went to the dump, I got stuck.. Mud at the dump stinks, and I brought it all the way back to Fresno with me for all of my friends to share with...
Church this morning was really cool. We talked about church planting, and how to glorify God. The major point that hit me was being fruitful. It isn't something I am good at. I try to be the best friend that I can be, but I have a hard time talking about Christ. I am very timid in a lot of my life, and sharing Christ is no exception.

All in all it was a good week spent with some great friends. To top it off, I was challenged at church to be more of what Christ wants me to be, and less of what the world wants from me. After all, life isn't about me, but about what I can do to glorify God...


Brittany said...

You've just answered the question my mother was wondering Wednesday night, whether or not it was you that she saw at church. Anyways, I think we need to hang out or get a drink or something in the near future because it's long overdue.

Stephanie said...

Is it a good or bad thing that I was present at three of the things you did last week?...I think we spent way too much time together... :) haha