Thursday, July 17, 2008

Let the poo roll...

So, I have been out at this poop plant for two or three weeks now... Overall, it has been a good experience so far. There are a few thing s that I am learning...

1) Even though you may not have a whole lot to do now, if you slowly work your way through what you have to get done later, it will make for a much easier life. I have been trying to work through drawings and figure out exactly how I want to do what needs to be done. By figuring out all my issues now, it should make life that much easier when crews come on site. The nice thing is, I wont have crews for probably a month and a half.

2) The unknown can be good. I have met some really cool guys down here. The rumors that go from one company to another are ridiculous sometimes.

3) and most importantly, I still have a lot to learn. God has been working on my pride down here. I am working in a part of the company that is very unfamiliar. So, pray that I can keep my head down and working, and this should make my life a heck of a lot easier.

One more thought...

I am dating the best girl ever. If you haven't met her, you should. She is something else (in a good way) =)

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