Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Life has been great the past month.

It is amazing how life can change with the addition (or subtraction) of people you are always around. One of my bosses has been re stationed. While this makes my job more difficult in some ways, it helps tremendously with my stress level. No longer do I have the eight or ten interruptions per day from them, but now, I am able to do the work in the order I need to, and more quickly. It has greatly reduced my stress level. When you couple that with the gym (the ultimate stress reliever), life has been good.

Not only is work going well, but church has been great too. We are currently going through Jonah... I know I know. Everyone knows the story of Jonah. But I am trying to still get something out of it. When you have the same story presented by someone different, you get different opinions. As I get older, my opinions tend to change as well, I look at things differently. So, to keep the story short, it has been good.

The time has come for me to get involved at church again. I know it doesn't mean a whole lot me saying it, but im trying. I have called the worship leader about running sound. He hasn't returned my call yet, but I am hopeful. I love to run sound. I may not be vocally talented (those of you who I have serenaded can attest) but I can really help out with sound quality.

The problem for me comes when I get over-involved. Last summer, I was doing a lot of different things. I ran sound for the 4th service every week, as well as did all the set up and tear down. I got over stretched. There was no joy in what I was doing. So, I am going to do my best to keep that from happening.

That being said, I still have more I need to do, I talked with Charles smith last week and this week about getting into a guys small group. I know that the Bridge has many life groups, but what I really need are men around me. Mens accountability, and mens fellowship. A friend recently challenged me on this. I have been talking, for almost a year now, about getting into a small group. They were right in telling me that I need to be a man of my word. Well, it has been a long time coming, but I will soon be able to comply with my own wishes.

The last few weeks, prayer has been amazing. It seems that I can no longer sleep without having quality time with God. I'm not good at prayer, but I dont know anyone who really is. I tend to run out of things to say, and things to pray for. But I guess I have been listening to people with a different ear. while they may not have been specifically asking for prayer, they are still part of my prayer life.

Two of my closest friends are moving away this weekend. Andre and Carrie are moving to visalia, and taking Ezra (their kid) with them. I think the move is great for them, but it will obviously have an impact on our friendship.
I came to the Bridge a few years ago during a hard time in my life. I knew Carrie from the previous church I went to. She and Andre invited me to their small group, and the growing began there. Andre has helped me through so many situations, and I am immensely thankful for that.

With all that being said, I think it is a good move for them. Their lives are becoming more and more entrenched in the south valley. That, and they dont currently have a home church (long story). So, needless to say, it is a good move.

Well, Today I am off to the dentist to have a foot applied to my face, and have teeth pulled (wisdom teeth). It is an afternoon appointment, and I will be back at work tomorrow. People have told me that I wont be able to, but they don't know who I am... I am no mere mortal.

Stay tuned for updates.

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