I know, I know... Three blogs in two days.. I must not have a life. Give me a break, I just got my wisdom teeth pulled, and I have slept most of the past two days. The blog-o-sphere has given me someone to share insight with.
So I went to Fresno Pacifist tonight (FPU) to a porno seminar. Craig Gross, one of the founders of this website (xxxchurch.com) was speaking of it. We watched a movie that basically narrated what they were about. It is a "Christian" organization (Ill explain the quotes later) that goes around the country, including schools, churches, and porno conventions to tell people that Jesus loves them. Kind of outside the box. I mean, who the hell would go to a porno convention to tell the porn stars that Jesus loves them, and he wants them for his own. Apparently this isn't your parents seminar.
Chris talked about how he has spent parts of the last few summers going on tour with Ron Jeremy (the biggest male porn star) to schools to debate porn. Ron and Chris have become friends through all of this, and they have had intense conversations. One thing that Ron said struck me. Chris is openly accepted in the porn community, even with what he does. If Ron walked into a church tomorrow, he would be rejected, based on his past. How heart breaking is that? Here we are, called to be Christ-followers, and on the off chance that a porn star, past or present, walks in wondering what we are all about, would possibly get turned away. Something isn't right.
I asked Chris where he gets more rejection from, the porn community, or the "Christian" (quotes again?) community. Without a doubt, he said, the Christian community. People apparently don't get the idea that we need to show the love of Christ to people. Apparently that means only the people who have their lives together. You know, the ones who love their wives, the ones that don't drink too much or swear, or kick their dogs for no good reason right? But it doesn't work that way.
Who did Jesus hang out with? He hung out with the prostitutes, the broken, the poor, the tax collectors... That was 2K years ago.. Allow me to translate to today... The poor, the politicians, the construction workers, and the porn stars (just to name a few).
Chris regularly attends these porn conventions to hand out bibles inside. "Christians" stand outside and picket these events telling people that they are burning in hell for doing these things.. I seem to remember reading in the Bible that no sin is better or worse than another. Porn must not be what was being talked about...
How cool is it that people think outside the box when it comes to Christ? That is something that I strive to do. It does me no good to sit in my pew on sunday and listen to the preacher talk about Christ and then do nothing about it during the week. I mean, if I love Christ, why don't I show it? Immitation is the sincerest form of flattery after all.
I sincerely hope that I never become a Bible beater. The church has a choice, the way I see it. We can choose to adapt to what the world needs, or we can stay in church, talk about how the world is going to hell in a hand basket, and do nothing about it.
But what do I do about it?
By the way, the quotations... I put Christian in quotes because I hate the word. Christians have been stereotyped as people who are bible beaters. I would much rather be called a Christ-follower. You can be a Christian without being a Christ-follower. You can't follow Christ without loving Him (after all, isn't it all about love?) Cue Cheesy music, but you got my point.
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1 comment:
Great post! I'd have to disagree with your last point though.
It's become popular in the last few years to eschew the term "Christian" and invent all kinds of others such as "Christ-follower" and "Jesus-Lover." I understand the sentiments some have against what is commonly referred to as "Christian culture," but I don't think throwing out the name fixes the problem.
I'm sure you know this, but the word literally means "little Christ"... isn't that what we're trying to be?
I look at Acts 11:26 where the believers in Antioch--one of the first congregations with Jews and Gentiles worshiping together--were first called Christians and I imagine the pride that came from that title. People in the culture around them saw their lives and labeled them as "little Christs."
Anyway, I just don't want you to be one of those Christians who only dwells on the negatives. Instead, show the world what it really means to be a Christian!
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