Thursday, January 17, 2008


I have no idea what they give you when they pull your wisdom teeth, but it never seemed to be enough. I think the worst part of getting them pulled (during the process, because after sucks pretty bad too) is listening to the snapping and the cracking. When you hear the doctor say something along the lines of, "I think he's choking" it makes me a little nervouse as well. But alas (yes, I used alas in a blog.. yay me) My wisdom teeth are out, and I am moving on with my life. But, it all got me thinking.

#1 there are many good and bad ideas of food to eat when you have your wisdom teeth taken out.

Good ideas: ice cream (thanks steph), smoothies (with a spoon), and soup.

Bad ideas: Crackers and granola bars... (stupid me)

#2 One of the teeth being pulled was not completely numb. The doctor gave me a couple more squirts of the numb juice, and I was ready to go.

How often do I choose to be numb to people because it just hurts? I walk by people asking for money or work or something at least a couple times a day. I was talking about this to a friend of mine the other day, not necessarily the novacaine, but the homeless.

When we pray the Lords prayer, we ask for His kingdom to come, on earth as it is in heaven. What would do that look like? how would we treat others. Instead of ignoring them because they are a waste of time, or they have nothing to offer society, would we hold them in a different light?

I met a homeless guy a while back, and he seemed to have a wonderful heart. We had lunch together, talked about Jesus, and just had a good time. I couldn't believe how much scripture he knew. If we saw homeless people differently, how would we see this guy? He would have a great story. He started out with everything, lost it, and then got lifted back up again..

But as it is, once the homeless become homeless, it is nearly impossible to get back on their feet.

I really wish I knew more about programs or things to help people. Some deserve to be homeless, but at the same point, some have just had a run of bad luck. I dont know what could lead to that, but at the same point, it could happen.

I go home from work early yesterday, and the product of my mind produces something like this.. Welcome to my life people.

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