Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Verdict is in!

Well, after a long night of counting all the votes (from two different people, eight votes total)... I determined that the results were too close to call. So, I had to recount... And what I found is that my original counting skills are sufficient enough. I should go work for florida or minnesota or something... That wasn't so hard was it...

So, Faux Hawks at logans won... It had double the votes that everything else had... So here goes nothing...

Alright, when I first moved to fresno, I didn't get out much... After circumstances changed, I started going to hang out with my friends, and we would occasionally go to logans for an adult beverage. The people there were funny. Basically, the people I saw at the gym were the same ones at the bar... Meat Heads (see below)

A term that is used to describe a male who is overenthusiastic about lifting weights and whose thoughts consist of athletics, blondes, and sports cars. Meat heads are unaware of the majority of the English language and often communicate with others by using phrases such as “bro”, “dude”, and “sweet”. The dead giveaway of a meathead is if their attire includes a sleeveless muscle shirt, athletic shorts, and a lanyard for their car keys. If you ever find yourself in a setting with multiple meat heads, be prepared for frequent high fives, chest bumps, and hand pounds.

So, this crowd of meat heads is what I came to expect...

So, the other night, Stephanie, Berger, Luke Mundy, Sarah Mundy, and myself went out to logans for a refreshing beverage... We walk in, and the place has an hour wait, according to luke. He and his wife are sitting outside, and its cold. I walk in and see six empty tables... They didn't have an hour wait, they were just trying to phase out a server (phase out is no longer sitting that section so that person could go home). So, I kindly asked the hostess if we could sit at one of the empty tables in that section. WE didnt want to be served anyways... Of course we couldn't.

So, the five of us are crammed around a high top table, and I see this guy... Now bear in mind that the people that frequent logans are the meat heads (as previously described) but this guy was totally different. This was the polar opposite. He was a bigger guy (probably tipping the scale at 250), wearing an extra small shirt (it was probably an XL, but it was about six sizes too small), with this.. Faux Hawk... it was like a girly man or something... Stephanie could have beat him up...

Apparently, he got his appletini or something from the bar, and went back to his table... I couldn't believe it... It was a swarm of them! It was like tower district moved to north fresno or something!

I just couldn't believe it. I thought that logans was always going to be the little bit of clovis in fresno... Little did I know that it was a little bit of san fransisco in fresno...

Next thing you know, Logans is going to go from serving road house teas to an oxygen bar...

The world will cease to exist as we know it.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

2008 election

alright, for those of you who think I dont blog enough, here is your chance to vote. You know how there are millions of people who vote for president, and your voice feels like it gets drowned out? well, you will not have that problem here. I have so few readers that, in my case, every vote does count! For all I know, I may not have any votes.

So, Let me know what you think I should blog about next.

1) Faux Hawks at Logans
2) Engaged life and how that coincides with buying a house
3) work
4) enduring through our pains, and realizing that it happend for a reason, and then seeing that reason...
5) Stephanie
6) Family Holidays.

Now is the time to have your voice heard. If you dont speak up, you cant complain that I dont blog enough.

2008 In Review

I know I know... this is a little premature. But, I like to look at it this way. I am just a little ahead of my time.

So, I totally realize that I haven't blogged in a long time, and I am cool with that. Life has been hectic, But that is no excuse. I have very devoted (snicker snicker) readers. In fact, I have had two (I dont know if I have more than two) mention in the past week that its time for me to blog. (more to follow)

Now to the point of the blog. The following are things that I have learned, growth that I have experienced, and things I have done.

1) I have been to Hawaii... Twice. I honestly never thought I would go to Hawaii. I thought it was too expensive, too far away, and too hot. What I found out is that I dont know if I could live in Hawaii, but I would sure like to try. The weather was beautiful, although a little humid. The beaches were gorgeous, and the water was warm. What made it feasible is that My brother lives there. Thanks drew!

2) I went dancing, in public for the first time ever. I went to school dances, but never out in public. It was interesting, and a great time. I can definetly see how fun it is with the right person.

3) I have gone to Washington DC. Another thing I never thought I would do. I have, more recently, become somewhat of a history buff. I knew there was a lot of history in DC, but I never knew how much. the best thing about it is that most of it was free. All the smithsonians were free, the capital was free. The only thing that costed was parking. You cant park anywhere for free. that sucked... I think I got one, or two, tickets... I dont remember. But what I do remember is that if you dont pay your tickets, the car rental company will charge you for them months later.

4) I went to disneyland. The best part of that was the lack of crowd. for a saturday in the middle of summer, there was almost no one there. It was awesome.

Now, for the more important ones.

1) I have started dating and got engaged to an amazing girl. for those of you who dont know, her name is steph. I fully acknowledge that everyone who reads my blog should know, because I stated it in a previous post. Steph is an amazing girl who has a wonderful heart for God. She challenges me in so many ways. Some of our best times together are praying or doing devotionals. I cant wait to experience life with her.

2) Steph and I are buying a house together. I have had a realtor for the past couple years (Judy Nazaroff, if you are looking for one). I just never had a house that worked out. I put a couple of offers in, but nothing ever came of them. Steph and I ended up getting into a brand new house (still in construction). the original owner fell through, and steph and i came through with a great offer, and they accepted. We got accepted for the loan, and just finished picking out all the interior stuff. Ill tell you what, picking out things for the inside of your house is frustrating. Two people, two styles.... All I wanted was everything grey... Everything goes with grey =)

3) Most importantly, I have decided that my relationship with God comes first. The year started out hard. I remember having a conversation with God, and telling him that if He wanted me to do something, he needed to tell me, because I was tired of doing things on my own. I have prayed that before, but i think it was different because I completely meant it. I was just tired of life. Life with God is not a marathon, as it has previously been described to me, it is an all out sprint. In hebrews, it talks of how the author strips off everything that holds him back, to run the race he needs to run. Its not just a statement, there are so many actions that need to follow it up.

All in all, this has been a pretty good year. I have an inckling that next year will be even better...