Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Update on trying to score points...

Here is tip number two when trying to score points, for all of those out there who still feel the need to keep track...

When your date admits she (or he, as the case may apply) has no patience, don't make whipped cream with a drill...

Thats right, yours truly decided that it would be fun to make whipped cream. So I got out my drill (it was clean...) and put the beater attachment on the end. I then proceeded to mix

and mix and mix and mix.

Right about minute five, steph pulls out her camera phone, and takes a picture, and posts to facebook...

meanwhile, the mix goes on...

four minutes later, I tell her its almosts done...

and the mixing goes on..

Two minutes later, I break down, and get out the actual mixer...

it was done a minute later...

It tasted really good, and I think thats all that matters... Sometimes quality takes time...

Good luck getting the redneck out of me. =)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

if they want the proof, i can send you the picture to post... :)