Alright, that was dumb, I admit, but its me, so get over it. Here is what my life is doing right now...
First off, God has been blessing me in so many ways.
1) I have been blessed by Him giving me an amazing girlfriend. It may sound cheesy, but there are times I will think, "Man, it should would be nice to date Steph..." Then, I remember... I am dating steph. She has a truly beautiful heart, and it has been amazing to get to know her.
2) God has been showing me a lot through readings I am doing right now. From a book "Devotional Classics" to my daily scripture reading. Its funny. I have started reading the bible in a year program... 3 years ago. I keep telling myself that it is important to read all the way through before I start a new project, and I am slowly getting there.
3) I have picked up a room mate. I am moving on may 24. If anyone wants to help, please let me know. Andrew Ellenberger is moving back from London, and needs a place to live, which is great, because I need to lower my bills. Living with him will save me so much money, yet another way God has been faithful.
Here is what is amazing about all of this: I moved out to be alone, and to learn to be ok with being alone. I am more than happy to sit with myself on a night, even a friday night. I think that is what God wanted from me, being ok in silence and being alone. Now, I will be living with a guy (in separate rooms) who can be a little bit loud, and lets be frank, my girlfriend isn't exactly the quiet type (I AM NOT COMPLAINING!!!) (You know its true steph, dont you even get mad) =)
God has given me gifts that I cannot even begin to repay Him for. I am truly blessed.